Baroness Touson "Myeong Mai be with you" _/||\_

Captain John Sholakh "Myeong Mai be with you" _/||\_

Kaori smiles at Ikki and Yun-Hee - a slightly subdued smile, but a smile. "Baronness, welcome back. And Your Highness - I don't think the sushiya's manager has recovered from your visit yet."

Baroness Touson: "It is good to see you too."

Kaori glances around the palace entry hall with its strong colours. She sighs slightly, then pins the smile back on. "I hope we'll learn something about what Unification is going to mean today," she says. She glances at John - whose eyes, of course, are hidden by sunglasses.

Princess Yun-Hee: makes a kind hmmm noise, just loud enough to make sure she is heard.

Kaori looks at the empress-elect. "How do you feel?"

"With my hands normally." Not feeling like conversation, Yun-Hee hurries out the palace door.

Kaori watches her go. As the heavy door closes, she asks, "Ikki, how is she? Really?"

Looking very young, Baroness Touson shrugs. "Prepared. Although she might be a little nervous."

"Nervous. Of course." Kaori tastes Honey's feelings again - nervous is an understatement.

John Sholakh says firmly, "I am sure she will do well."

Kaori looks at John again. "Today, I'm sure she will. But this is a lifetime - and nothing like the lifetime she intended." She looks over his suit as he removes his sunglasses. "Nice tailoring," she adds. "You look elegant, John." She meets his eyes.

He gives a slight grin. "Thank you."

Kaori squelches a small urge to shake him, and turns to the window. "I wonder how much of a crowd there will be?"

John glance out the window, " I see there is going to be a nice turn out."

Kaori nods. "The plaza's filling up."


"Looking good."

Kaori watches the shuttle from the spaceport land and disgorge a few more passengers.She smiles. "I see Captain Gama's here - doubtless looking for information, or customers for information." She reaches her mind into the crowd, practicing her ability to identify known people at a distance. After a few minutes she sighs. "You'd think...Yun-Hee's mother would want to watch her daughter ascend. There are things about this culture I have trouble accepting."

She sighs again as John, wordless, follows Ikki out, and follows him a moment later. Not being part of the coronation ceremony, she slips down the side of the seating that lines the plaza to find a seat somewhere in the middle.

High Priestess Sung, elegantly gowned, steps forward. "Everyone take your seats. We will start soon. When the Princess passes by you will stand."

Kaori decides to seat herself near the back - within easy telepathic reading distance of Gama. With surprise, she sees the chef from the port's sushiya in the same row, and nods politely. He nods in return and leans back in his seat.

Four attendants appear at the back of the seating area. They seize the crowd's attention, speaking loudly and in unison: "Thank you all for coming to honour Princess Yun-Hee!" They stand in a foursquare, each the same careful distance from the princess in the centre, gold-clad but seeming small at the far end of the royal purple carpet

The crowd cranes its collective necks to see. Zài yì 在意 (Hilary Querrien) turns her head carefully and notes the position of the princess and retinue. Gama looks back and winks to Kaori. Emilly Shatner-Orr looks over her shoulder at everyone lining up, and smiles.

The four attendants proceed somberly up the carpet, followed by the resplendently beautiful and apparently serene Princess Yun-Hee. Kaori pushes a little to check the depth of that serenity - well, Yun-Hee is nothing if not an actress; the face and the feelings aren't a close match.

Gama rises with the crowd, and nudges Kelsy to do the same.

Ambassador John Sholakh radiates pride as he watches Princess Yun-Hee approach.

The attendants stop at the head of the carpet and turn towards the center, admiring the Princess’s grace as she steps forward to approach the Priestess. The princess kneels, back to the crowd, face to the witnessing audience, and the attendants take their seats. Gama nudges Kelsy to sit down again.

The ceremony begins.

High Priestess Sung: "Princess Yun-Hee, you are the heir of Empress Hae-Ri, the chosen one to lead our people our unified Empire. We as a people, a nation, a unified people from many worlds. "

The High Priestess looks around the crowd for a moment, takes a breath and speaks again.

"Princess Yun-Hee, you are given an enormous responsibility. Will you lead our People to a more prosperous and unified society?"

Princess Yun-Hee: "Yes, I will"

The High Priestess turns around and picks up the Sceptre of the 'Life Guide'. "This staff was designed by Myeong Mai during the Journey to Cyhnon. She left instructions for the High Priestess to present it to the future. the secret heir with orange hair, who will lead our unified People out of the Chaos to Unity. " High Priestess Sung hands the staff of the 'Life Guide' to Yun-Hee, then places the Imperial Crown on her head. "Myeong Mai be with you." She looks out to the crowd while motioning for Yun-Hee to stand and face them.

"I present to you Empress Yun-Hee"

Applause begins, and grows.

The four attendants stand and cheer enthusiastically in unison, inviting the assembled observers to join them, “Empress Yun-Hee! Empress Yun-Hee! Empress Yun-Hee!” Emilly Shatner-Orr applauds. Justine (JustineJohndory Amethyst) stands and cheers enthusiastically. In her seat at the front, Baroness Touson cheers Kaneha (Kaneha Atheria), Thomas Meriwether Swift, Captain Gama (and Kelsy, after nudging), Alpha 3491, Nɪɢʜᴛғᴀʟʟ Dᴀsʜᴜʀɪᴀ, zài yì 在意 (Hilary Querrien) all stand and gazes at the empress, clapping and cheering enthusiastically

Yun-Hee Bae's shoulders go back. "Myeong Mai be with you" _/||\_ she calls. The crowd slowly settles and seats itself.

Princess Yun-Hee: "I am honored and humbled to be the Empress of our newly unified people. We have a long journey together, one that is not just for our whole people but individually. Each of us will be part of this adventure. While I was on Synthgai I learned a life time's worth of knowledge and wisdom from those who came before us. One of the main emphases they all talked about was the importance of the individual. This takes a while to sink in for me but after viewing the recordings and personal visits with Dr Irissa Lee it has become much clearer."

Empress Yun-Hee pauses to look over the crowd, looking to the left then the right.

"I pledge to each and everyone of you that I will lead our people according to the teachings and writings of Myeong Mai. I realize I have a lot to learn but it is the journey we all will have. As Myeong Mai said "True unity can only be achieved when we see the value of the individual. When we only think of others according what group they belong to, the value of the individual is lost in the Chaos."

A breath.

Empress Yun-Hee: "Myeong Mai said, 'Come out of the Chaos to unity', I pledge to lead our People in the way of Myeong Mai. To achieve this I will create an advisory council, starting with the Myeong Gai which will have a permanent presence in the palace. I will meet with the High Priestess and others of the Myeong Gai frequently to learn the teachings of Myeong Mai. I will learn 'the way of the life guide' as all the citizens of our Empire will. No one will be required to devote their life to becoming a Life Guide but they will be required to learn the teachings. For the teachings of Myeong Gai will lead our Empire to become great, prosperous and bring unity like we have not seen before."

Another breath.

"I will also have four other advisors on this council. These individuals will meet with me regularly to assist in running the Empire. The first position of Advisor One, the commander of the guard, will be given to John Sholakh my Father. The next postion of Advisor Two, Fleet Commander, will be offered to Commodore Kim. Without her relentless work to find the missing Scout Ship and crew the unification would not of been possible. The other two position of Advisor Three, Commerce Commander and Advisor Four, Science and Technology Commander are still open. Two other advisor positions that are not within the chain of command will be Elder One and Elder Two. Elder One is to be filled by Dr Irissa Lee and Elder Two is offered to Admiral Merc. That completes the positions on the Advisory council to the Empress."

Kaori's eyebrow twitches as the position offered to Merc is announced; the political story behind that - an apparent removal of the admiral from her power of action - must be the stuff of legends, especially if it results in Merc being convinced to accept.

Empress Yun-Hee continues. "The one who will oversee the advisory council will be Baroness Touson. She is the second in the command structure. After her will be Advisor One, two and so on."

Ennios Vargos studies Ikki Touson's face and whispers, "A bit young, isn't she?"

Kaori flutters a hand to shush him.

The Empress lifts the staff to the crowd while looking to the right and left for a few minutes.

High Priestess Sung steps forward again. "Empress Yun-Hee."

The applause begins again.

The High Priestess says again, "Empress Yun Hee," then motions to take her throne.

The four attendants: repeat in unison, “Empress Yun-Hee! Empress Yun-Hee! Empress Yun-Hee!” and resume their seats.

Empress Yun-Hee relaxes visibly as she says, " We have a celebration in about 45 minutes. Take a break if you need to while the seating is re arranged for the party. This concludes the ceremony."

Justine, who has been serving as one of the attendants, stands and turns to the assembly, seeing if anyone needs assistance before moving off. RoseDrop Rust, also an attendant, takes Justine's hand. Zài Yì smiles up at the two of them. RoseDrop Rust smiles at the Duchess.

Zài Yì says, "I think i shall be ok, once I can find my legs."

Emilly Shatner-Orr smiles at her bard. "You and Justine did very well." She steps off the purple strip of carpet as it begins to be rolled up.

"So good to see you, Companion Zai Yi!" says Justine.

Zai Yi smiles. "Of course it is." She giggles.

RoseDrop Rust fills his lungs and shouts from his diaphragm. "Our congratulations to the Empress! Huzzah!"

Emilly Shatner-Orr: "Huzzah!"

Kaori Jo stands and smooths her very formal married woman's furusode kimono. "Zori and non-ritual dancing don't go well together," she says. "I will return - more comfortably!"

Kaneha smiles at the elegant geisha, admiring her beautiful kimono.

Kaori catches the thought "geisha" and blushes a little - wondering what her mother, or for that matter Myeong Mai, would have thought of the misidentification. She shrugs, as the thought carries kindness, not critique.

Gama says, "Wonderful ceremony. See you all at the party."

Kelsy smiles.

Kaori slides out of the ceremonial plaza, slipping into the palace and the acolyte's dormitory by the Myeong Gai designated entrance at the palace's rear.

Emilly Shatner-Orr says regretfully, "For us it's time to go, I'm afraid. This was beautiful, though."

Zài Yi says, "Congratulations on your elevation, Empress, and what a lovely ceremony." She bobs a curtsey and wiggles her fingers at Jenai Sung as she passes.

Emilly Shatner-Orr bows in the direction of the new Empress, and follows Justine out.

Beta 1465: heya kanehja

Kaneha (Kaneha Atheria): "Hello, Alice, lovely to see you!" Kaneha wraps her arms around Alice and pulls her in for a tender hug

Beta 2205: "Thank you for joining us, SIster Alpha."

Ennios Vargos stands and looks around. "Quite a show." He moves off in search of a pre-celebration drink.

Forty-five minutes later, Kaori Jo exits the palace, using the front entrance this time in a small defiance of propriety, her ceremonial kimono shed in favour of something more danceable, and takes station by the High Priestess's seat as she surveys the landscape and mindscape. After a few minutes of silence from Jenai, Kaori shrugs and moves towards the dance floor.

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM) is in FINE form as she leans into the microphone. "We gonna get a little funky for alittle bit ;) Here we goo~!"

Selena Rose Okamoto (lunavixen03): ooooo - turn it up ~

Jam is doing just that, with occasional dips on the volume as she greets people she's met before. "Welcome, John - welcome, Kaneha - "

Kaori turns and smiles at John - still that bit carefully.

John smiles over to Kao, admiring her dress. "Looking good."

"Thank you," she says. "I decided it was time for a hair-flower that wasn't white." Instead of her usual quiet white camellia or carnation - a white flower being a signifier of widowhood on Genji - she's found herself choosing a pair of large orange-gold chrysanthemums for her hair. The change, to anyone from Genji, is a plain statement that Kaori's time of mourning has ended. No-one else in the crowd is Genjese, however, so the change generates no answering ripple of emotion. She starts to move to the music, not with John but somewhere in his vicinity.

Selena Rose Okamoto sings along to the music.

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM): "Welcome Aya <3Hello Selena -"


Gradually, John dances into Kaori's orbit. At some point Kaori sighs, decides she and John are actually dancing together, and starts coordinating her movements more deliberately with his.

John smiles, dancing with Kao.

Gama smiles approvingly as Jam starts a new track. "Nice tune."

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM): "It's a fave! Glad you are enjoying it :D." She catches sight of a couple of key new arrivals. Ignoring protocol, she shouts, "Hii Ikki!!"

Baroness Touson: "Hello Jam, good to see you."

Kaneha stops dancing and draws close to the Empress, who has entered with the Baronness. "Unfortunately I must attend to some business, but Empress, please accept my sincere congratulations on behalf of the Seven Sisters Companion House! Enjoy the rest of the celebration, and thank you, Jam, for the awesome set!" She bows with respect

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM): Be safe, Kaneha!

Ikki and Honey - no, Yun-Hee - are dancing joyously in unison. Something in the sight triggers a wave of emotion from John.

Kaori lifts her eyes to look into his. "John! You are GLAD she's your child. And not because she's empress."

John Sholakh smiles. " I am very proud of her as my daughter."

Kaori gives him the most open smile she's shown him since the Mase Nasue ceremony bombshell. "It's more than pride that you're feeling."

John's grin is nonetheless prideful as he looks back at Kao, thinking of Honey. "It is our father daughter relationship we have, too."

Kaori grins back and finally relaxes fully into the dance. "Too - or mostly?"

"Our bond is growing each day."

"That's so good, John," Kaori says, moving a little closer so she can speak softly. "She needs a parent who really feels like a parent."

John smiles.

Kaori spins happily, staying close. "John - it's good to have you back."

"It is good to be back, thank you."

There's a short lull, and Yun-Hee Bae says, "Great tunes. I am loving your set."

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM): I'm glad! And here's the final track - " It plays; people dance; but all too soon, it's over.

Yun-Hee Bae: "Thank you DJ Twist for the awesome tunes."

Selena Rose : "Thank you Jam for the epic music ❤"

Jam Seoɴ-ѕнι (LadyAJAM): "You are welcome! Glad everyone had fun!"

Baroness Touson: "Thank you Jam for the great Music."

Beta 1465: "Thanks for coming. See you Friday BBG?" She pats as fox tail.

Aʀευм 'ßßG' Seoɴ-ѕнι (Alyssa Pyrithea): "Sure, see you then Alice."

Empress Yun-Hee: "I think Aya is so cute. "

Ayɑ Pᴀᴘᴀʏᴀ-ѕнι (ParadoxicalReality) curtsies. "Thank you, kindly"

Empress Yun-Hee: "You're welcome. Come visit anytime. You can get a tour of my palace someday." It's a very un-Empress-like bit of informality; Honey is still there, under the imperial couture.

John steps towards his daughter, saying, "Good Night Kao. Have a nice evening."

Kaori Jsmiles, watches Yun-Hee and Ikki for a moment and basking in the warmth of real affection radiating from John, then strolls into the gathering darkness of the surrounding park.